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Deadeye equality also\r ensues afer 10.Nf4 e6 11.b3 Ba6 12.Re1 Rc8 13.Ba3 Re8 14.Rc1\r (Stahlberg-Flohr, Kemeri 1937) -- Fischer", "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "b", "from": "c8", "to": "a6", "flags": "n", "piece": "B", "san": "Ba6", "fen_after": "r2q1rk1/p3ppbp/bpn2np1/3p4/3P4/1PN1P1P1/P3NPBP/R1BQ1RK1 w - - 1 11" }, "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "w", "from": "c1", "to": "a3", "flags": "n", "piece": "B", "san": "Ba3", "fen_after": "r2q1rk1/p3ppbp/bpn2np1/3p4/3P4/BPN1P1P1/P3NPBP/R2Q1RK1 b - - 2 11" }, "commentAfter": "After\r White's 11th move I should adjudicate his position as slightly\r superior, and at worst completely safe. To turn this into a\r mating position in eleven more moves is more witchcraft than\r chess! Quite honestly, I do not see the man who can stop Bobby\r at this time. -- K.F. Kirby, South African Chess Quarterly", "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "b", "from": "f8", "to": "e8", "flags": "n", "piece": "R", "san": "Re8", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/p3ppbp/bpn2np1/3p4/3P4/BPN1P1P1/P3NPBP/R2Q1RK1 w - - 3 12" }, "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "w", "from": "d1", "to": "d2", "flags": "n", "piece": "Q", "san": "Qd2", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/p3ppbp/bpn2np1/3p4/3P4/BPN1P1P1/P2QNPBP/R4RK1 b - - 4 12" }, "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "b", "from": "e7", "to": "e5", "flags": "b", "piece": "P", "san": "e5", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/p4pbp/bpn2np1/3pp3/3P4/BPN1P1P1/P2QNPBP/R4RK1 w - e6 0 13" }, "commentAfter": "! I was a bit worried about weakening my QP,\r but felt that the tremendous activity obtained by my minor\r pieces would permit White no time to exploit it. 12...e6 would\r probably lead to a draw. -- Fischer", "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "w", "from": "d4", "to": "e5", "flags": "c", "piece": "P", "captured": "P", "san": "dxe5", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/p4pbp/bpn2np1/3pP3/8/BPN1P1P1/P2QNPBP/R4RK1 b - - 0 13" }, "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "b", "from": "c6", "to": "e5", "flags": "c", "piece": "N", "captured": "P", "san": "Nxe5", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/p4pbp/bp3np1/3pn3/8/BPN1P1P1/P2QNPBP/R4RK1 w - - 0 14" }, "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "w", "from": "f1", "to": "d1", "flags": "n", "piece": "R", "san": "Rfd1", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/p4pbp/bp3np1/3pn3/8/BPN1P1P1/P2QNPBP/R2R2K1 b - - 1 14" }, "commentAfter": "\"Add another to those melancholy case histories entitled: The\r Wrong Rook.\" -- Fischer ~ \"This is very much a case of 'the\r wrong rook'. One can understand Byrne's desire to break the\r pin on the e2-knight, but this turns out to be less important\r than other considerations. Fischer spends a lot of time and\r energy analysing the superior 14. Rad1!, but still comes to\r the conclusion that Black can keep the advantage.\" -- John\r Nunn", "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "b", "from": "e5", "to": "d3", "flags": "n", "piece": "N", "san": "Nd3", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/p4pbp/bp3np1/3p4/8/BPNnP1P1/P2QNPBP/R2R2K1 w - - 2 15" }, "commentAfter": "Now it's all systems go for the Fischer rocket. --\r Robert Wade", "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "w", "from": "d2", "to": "c2", "flags": "n", "piece": "Q", "san": "Qc2", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/p4pbp/bp3np1/3p4/8/BPNnP1P1/P1Q1NPBP/R2R2K1 b - - 3 15" }, "commentAfter": "There is hardly any other defense to the\r threat of ...Ne4. -- Fischer", "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "b", "from": "d3", "to": "f2", "flags": "c", "piece": "N", "captured": "P", "san": "Nxf2", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/p4pbp/bp3np1/3p4/8/BPN1P1P1/P1Q1NnBP/R2R2K1 w - - 0 16" }, "commentAfter": "! The key to Black's\r previous play. The complete justification for this sac does\r not become apparent until White resigns! -- Fischer", "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "w", "from": "g1", "to": "f2", "flags": "c", "piece": "K", "captured": "N", "san": "Kxf2", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/p4pbp/bp3np1/3p4/8/BPN1P1P1/P1Q1NKBP/R2R4 b - - 0 16" }, "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "b", "from": "f6", "to": "g4", "flags": "n", "piece": "N", "san": "Ng4+", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/p4pbp/bp4p1/3p4/6n1/BPN1P1P1/P1Q1NKBP/R2R4 w - - 1 17" }, "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "w", "from": "f2", "to": "g1", "flags": "n", "piece": "K", "san": "Kg1", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/p4pbp/bp4p1/3p4/6n1/BPN1P1P1/P1Q1N1BP/R2R2K1 b - - 2 17" }, "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "b", "from": "g4", "to": "e3", "flags": "c", "piece": "N", "captured": "P", "san": "Nxe3", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/p4pbp/bp4p1/3p4/8/BPN1n1P1/P1Q1N1BP/R2R2K1 w - - 0 18" }, "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "w", "from": "c2", "to": "d2", "flags": "n", "piece": "Q", "san": "Qd2", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/p4pbp/bp4p1/3p4/8/BPN1n1P1/P2QN1BP/R2R2K1 b - - 1 18" }, "commentAfter": "Byrne: As I sat pondering why\r Fischer would choose such a line, because it was so obviously\r lost for Black, there suddenly comes...", "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "b", "from": "e3", "to": "g2", "flags": "c", "piece": "N", "captured": "B", "san": "Nxg2", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/p4pbp/bp4p1/3p4/8/BPN3P1/P2QN1nP/R2R2K1 w - - 0 19" }, "commentAfter": "!! This\r dazzling move came as the shocker... the culminating\r combination is of such depth that, even at the very moment at\r which I resigned, both grandmasters who were commenting on the\r play for the spectators in a separate room believed I had a\r won game! -- Robert Byrne", "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "w", "from": "g1", "to": "g2", "flags": "c", "piece": "K", "captured": "N", "san": "Kxg2", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/p4pbp/bp4p1/3p4/8/BPN3P1/P2QN1KP/R2R4 b - - 0 19" }, "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "b", "from": "d5", "to": "d4", "flags": "n", "piece": "P", "san": "d4", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/p4pbp/bp4p1/8/3p4/BPN3P1/P2QN1KP/R2R4 w - - 0 20" }, "commentAfter": "!", "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "w", "from": "e2", "to": "d4", "flags": "c", "piece": "N", "captured": "P", "san": "Nxd4", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/p4pbp/bp4p1/8/3N4/BPN3P1/P2Q2KP/R2R4 b - - 0 20" }, "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "b", "from": "a6", "to": "b7", "flags": "n", "piece": "B", "san": "Bb7+", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/pb3pbp/1p4p1/8/3N4/BPN3P1/P2Q2KP/R2R4 w - - 1 21" }, "commentAfter": "The\r King is at Black's mercy. -- Fischer", "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "w", "from": "g2", "to": "f1", "flags": "n", "piece": "K", "san": "Kf1", "fen_after": "r2qr1k1/pb3pbp/1p4p1/8/3N4/BPN3P1/P2Q3P/R2R1K2 b - - 2 21" }, "commentAfter": "In a room set\r aside for commentaries on the games in progress, two\r grandmasters were stating, for the benefit of the spectators,\r that Byrne had a won game. 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I'd hoped\r for 22.Qf2 Qh3+ 23.Kg1 Re1+!! 24.Rxe1 Bxd4 with mate to follow\r shortly.\"", "children": [] }, { "type": "result_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "result": { "result": "0-1", "fen": "r3r1k1/pb1q1pbp/1p4p1/8/3N4/BPN3P1/P2Q3P/R2R1K2 w - - 3 22" }, "children": [] } ] }, { "type": "position_node", "slide": { "contents": { "ops": [ { "insert": "En een andere variant van Saavedra's stelling. \n\nOok nu wint wit (aan zet)\n" } ] }, "mode": "slide" }, "position": { "name": "Gurgenidze variant van Saavedra", "fen": "8/5K2/2P5/8/8/8/P2Pr3/k7 w - - 0 1", "comment": "" }, "children": [ { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "w", "from": "c6", "to": "c7", "flags": "n", "piece": "P", "san": "c7", "fen_after": "8/2P2K2/8/8/8/8/P2Pr3/k7 b - - 0 1", "illegal": false }, "commentMove": "EG#09447", "children": [] }, { "type": "move_node", "slide": { "contents": null, "mode": "none" }, "move": { "color": "b", "from": "e2", "to": "f2", "flags": "n", "piece": "R", "san": "Rf2+", "fen_after": "8/2P2K2/8/8/8/8/P2P1r2/k7 w - 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